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I have a beautiful wife, an infant son & a schnauzer. viva la tex-mex. Words that describe or excite: Missional, Glocal, Lead, Innovate, Initiate, Create, Risk, Community

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Insound is a great source for good music...

I subscribe to Insounds weekly email list and have found it to be one of my top sources for good, quality, indie rock. And since I have been leading a busy summer in youth ministry and woefully neglected my blog I wanted to share this quick post from Insound to hopefully help you find some good music that you too may have overlooked or missed out on while surviving the sweltering sweatiness of the summer or even just stuck in the daily grind of a job where your only difference between summer and winter is whether you were a cotton blazer or wool.


Wow, we sure started a controversy with our Top Ten Records of 2007 (so far) list . We received calls and e-mails from around the globe (and around the office) demanding us to explain why we failed to put ________’s album on the list. And we responded with, “sorry we suck so much.” But thinking about it some more, you definitely did have some good suggestions. So we’re going to try this again. We bring you Insound’s Top Ten Records of 2007 (that we forgot about last week) . Zach Hill, a drum roll please:

I. The National - The Boxer

II. Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

III. Richard Swift - Dressed Up For The Letdown

IV. Battles - Mirrored

V. Gui Boratto - Chromophobia

VI. Times New Viking - Paisley Reich

VII. Blues Control - Blues Control

VIII. Elliott Smith - New Moon

IX. Arthur & Yu - In Camera

X. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Is Is

Are we cool with each other, again?

COUPON CODE: toptenforgot (10% off any of these albums till August 8th.)