:Irish By Birth::Saved By Grace::Awake By Noon:
Blogging Irishman. Missional Christian. Emerg(ing) Elder. Reform(ing) Theologian. Cultural Architect. Loving Husband. Proud Papa. Rock Snob. Film Critic. Avid Reader.
I have a beautiful wife, an infant son & a schnauzer. viva la tex-mex.
Words that describe or excite: Missional, Glocal, Lead, Innovate, Initiate, Create, Risk, Community
Some recent highlights of fathering a son who is created in the image of God and is Wild at Heart.
He has only cried twice in the bath, the first time he cried was the third time he had a bath, so we don't know if he was freaked out or what, but the only other time he cried because he was mad that we took him out too soon. He was not done playing!
He discovered how to splash water by about the 4th bath and has loved splashing and stomping ever since.
He has two teeth that he is not afraid to use.
He has learned how to clap.
He has the thighs of a fullback and the arm strength of a linebacker.
He already knows that remote controls are to be controlled by the men of the house.
He recently discovered his "junk" in the bath tub.
He loves the outdoors.
He loves dogs.
He loves life as evidenced by his hysterical laughter, his incredible range of eyebrow control to show a wide range of contemplation and emotion, and his ever increasing ability to "get loud."
He wears these little red sunglasses, and unlike most kids, he doesn't try to take them off. He knows they say something about being manly and outdoorsy.
He has not yet had a food that he has not liked, rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, carrots, squash, bananas, green beans. He says he is ready to move on to Steak, Tex-Mex, and Coca-Cola.
He is already developing his hunting and tracking skills. I hold him in the superman position down by my waist and he chases Sammey, our Schnauzer, around the house and backyard.
Mike, Just wanted to say I enjoy reading your post - always entertaining and insightful. You have never met me, Becky's old youth pastor, just like keeping up with you guys. We continue to pray for you and your ministry - great picture and observations. Rusty
Great post, Mike! I think that you're son is progressing well. One observation...the dog has your look more than your son...(laughing)
Just wanted to say I enjoy reading your post - always entertaining and insightful. You have never met me, Becky's old youth pastor, just like keeping up with you guys. We continue to pray for you and your ministry - great picture and observations.
Dave and Rusty,
Thanks for the comments.
Being a dad is such a fun blessing and there are so many incredible experiences. These are just a few.
Wow! That's a great picture of you and Eli.
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